
Centered Mounting Rack for PWS and Free Flow Water Sampler

Helpful tool to keep oceanographic water samplers in an upright position

Instead of adding heavy bottom weights the Centered Mounting Rack can be used to keep Plastic Water Samplers or Free Flow Water Samplers in a vertical position in case they are used as single instruments. This stainless steel tool is connected to the end eye of the wire and transmits the release impulse of the messenger to the sampler.
Hydro-Bios No. 436 380
436 380Centered Mounting Rack 
for PWS and Free Flow Water Sampler 1-2.5 l
436 385Centered Mounting Rack
for PWS and Free Flow Water Sampler 5 l
436 390Centered Mounting Rack
for PWS and Free Flow Water Sampler 10 l
436 395Centered Mounting Rack
for PWS 30 l